standard-drives-system/Screw Jacks GoldNozag Transmission
Standard Drives / System

Precise power/stroke motion sequences thanks to spindle & bevel gear drives

Simple movement of loads of up to 10 tons with the aid of worm gear screw jacks and bevel gear units - both worm gear screw jacks and bevel gear units combine mechanical precision, compact design, robustness and long service life - and are also easy to maintain. Clever combinations with clutches, shafts and electric motors result in clearly structured drive solutions. With Nozag's flexible, innovative worm gear screw jack kit, you can solve many drive situations with standard components.

Catalog Standard Drives / System     

Screw Jacks Gold

More information

    Screw Jacks "Gold" – For Extreme Environmental and Operational Conditions 
    The shiny casing, mounting flange and cover indicate the highest degree of corrosion resistance. In simple terms, the conventional aluminum components as well as the external parts have been replaced by components made of the aluminum bronze material CuAl10Fe5Ni5. All the spindles and shafts as well as the internal elements are manufactured from stainless steel or synthetic material (seals). 

    Significant Advantages

    • High corrosion stability combined with a high degree of wearing resistance and cavitation protection through CuAl10Fe5Ni5
    • Resistance against mechanical damages due to an oxide protection film (basically Al203) that immediately forms on the material surface
    • Excellent performance in applications with gases, fluids and solid materials

    The CuAl10Fe5Ni5 material 
    • features high scaling resistance (up to 800°)
    • has a lower degree of corrosion resistance to strongly acidic media with high oxidation potential (such as nitric acid) as well as alkaline materials, because these will dissolve the oxide coating and prevent its formation.
    • has a lower tendency to selective corrosion (dealumination)

    Areas of Application 
    Screw jacks of this design may be used for instance in industrial applications in the vicinity of saline water or sulfuric oxide, in slightly oxidizing and weak alkaline areas, in brackish water, in organic acids (acetate) and in reducing as well as slightly oxidizing mineral acids (diluted hydrochloric, hydrofluoric or phosphoric acid), in environments containing sulfuric acid at room temperature or at elevated temperatures.

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