Various application examples that are successfully used in everyday life or in development. Special solutions usually result from early cooperation between customers and Nozag, so that customer ideas, specific requirements can be easily combined with Nozag knowledge and standard components.
Kamaro is the name of the robot developed for agricultural cultivation. The field robot is supposed to automatically perform tasks such as fertilizing, removing parasites or detecting intruders such as wild boars. Kamaro has performed this field work perfectly! Meanwhile the construction planning goes beyond the agricultural purpose.
read moreTime does not stand still; the development of the art clock is no exception. Our efforts towards improvement and optimization are ongoing. What is certain: the worm gear drives the lift for the balls and thus determines every minute in the course of time.
read moreDrive technology with weight-reduced high-performance standard components for rescue equipment
Click here for detailed article in GermanAn electric bike is the ideal vehicle for occasional bikers with little training, for partners of well-trained bikers, for beginners aiming at conquering the mountains right from the start, or commuters who don't want to arrive at work in sweaty clothes. Thanks to a drive support, these bikers climb steep slopes of 30° without any problem and arrive relaxed at their destination. With our gearing know-how we have created the optimal technical conditions for a powerful and optimal drive for the “Boosty” bike motor.
read moreThere is often little room for manoeuvre in the "time-to-market" phase and when the unexpected situation arises that something is not working perfectly - then a competent solution is needed that is quickly available. This was also the case with the market launch of a product of Tyrolit, who relied on Nozag's expertise at the crucial moment.
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