standard-drives-system/Screw jacks-non-rotating (KGT)Nozag Transmission
Standard Drives / System

Precise power/stroke motion sequences thanks to spindle & bevel gear drives

Simple movement of loads of up to 10 tons with the aid of worm gear screw jacks and bevel gear units - both worm gear screw jacks and bevel gear units combine mechanical precision, compact design, robustness and long service life - and are also easy to maintain. Clever combinations with clutches, shafts and electric motors result in clearly structured drive solutions. With Nozag's flexible, innovative worm gear screw jack kit, you can solve many drive situations with standard components.

Catalog Standard Drives / System     

Screw jacks / non-rotating (KGT)

Screw jack kit
  • The modular, flexible and innovative screw jack kit offers perfect drive solutions from low-cost standard components
Screw jack NSE5-SN/SL - KGT
  • Maximum lifting capacity: 5 kN (500 kg)
  • Maximum driveshaft speed: 1400 min-1 (higher on request)
  • Ball screw - KGT: 16 x 5 / 16 x 10
Screw jack NSE10-SN/SL - KGT
  • Maximum lifting capacity: 10 kN (1000 kg)
  • Maximum driveshaft speed: 1400 min-1 (higher on request)
  • Ball screw - KGT: 25 x 5 / 25 x 10 / 25 x 25 / 25 x 50
Screw jack NSE25-SN/SL - KGT
  • Maximum lifting capacity: 25 kN (2500 kg)
  • Maximum driveshaft speed: 1400 min-1 (higher on request)
  • Ball screw - KGT: 32 x 5 / 32 x 10 / 32 x 20 / 32 x 40
Screw jack NSE50-SN/SL - KGT
  • Maximum lifting capacity: 50 kN (5000 kg)
  • Maximum driveshaft speed: 1400 min-1 (higher on request)
  • Ball screw - KGT: 40 x 5 / 40 x 10 / 40 x 20 / 40 x 40
Screw jack NSE100-SN/SL- KGT
  • Maximum lifting capacity: 100 kN (10000 kg)
  • Maximum driveshaft speed: 1400 min-1 (higher on request)
  • Ball screw - KGT: 50 x 10 / 50 x 20
Screw jack attachments
  • Spindle
  • Escape protection
  • Lock against rotation
  • Mounting flange
  • Fork head
  • Ball joint head
  • Swivel bearing head
  • Suspension adapter for gearboxes
  • Protection cap
  • Bellows
  • Spiral spring cover
  • Lubricant dispenser
  • Hand wheel
Adjusting plates to suit every mounting situation
  • Balance between screw jacks NSE and bevel gear RM

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